Corporate Finance Portfolio Valuation
Valuation is considered as one of the most critical areas in finance; as a key role in many areas of finance such as corporate finance, solvency, M&A. Furthermore, intellectual property (IP) valuation is considered as one of the most important management strategic issues.
There are numerous individual reasons or motivations for conducting an intellectual property valuation or economic appraisal analysis:
- Preparing M&A transactions
- Intangible assets valuation
- Brand equity
- Brand valuation as a colateral in financial restructuring deals
- Preparing pricing and strategic purposes
- Financing securitization and collateralization
- Tax planning and compliance
Intellectual property derives its value from a wide range of significant parameters such as market share, barriers to entry, legal protection, IP’s profitability, industrial and economic factors, growth projections, remaining economic life, and new technologies.
Our team has an in-depth understanding of economy, industry, and specific business that directly affect the value of the intellectual property. Finally, the information is devoted to be turned into financial models to estimate the fundamental value of a particular type of intellectual property based on such adapted International Valuation Standards.